Team Work

Team Work
AAU Game Qualifier Robin Morris University 2010

Friday, December 20, 2013

Conquering: Laying out Order & Taking it Back!

There has been a level of warfare that is taking place not only in our households, communities, schools and youth programs.  It's time that we as parents, school administrators, caretakers, coaches, fathers, mothers, grandmothers and teachers have to take it back. As we began to ease God out out of our homes and in our communities. There is a spirit of rebellion that has been rising up within our children. The enemy is after our seed.  He not only hates everything that we represent. He hates the future and the generational linage that are kids will create.  The enemy wants to destroy our destiny and destroy everything we care about.

"It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightiest weapons."--William Gurnall

Where do we start you may ask? How do we begin to reverse a curse that has been set in motion where our homes hasn't taken a stand up against it. Have we as parents given up? Have we as teachers become to burnt out to care? Have we as after school program leaders feel it is a lost cause? Anyone working with youth have heard those questions looming over our heads. I'm here to tell you that there is hope.  If we use practical methods in destroying simple hindrances that will come up in youth programming. 

We must begin to make a connection between the child and the parent. I know this can sometimes be a difficult task.  As parents are worn out from work and their daily battles that they have to face.  Adding on attending a parent meeting can be difficult task to carry out. A way around this issue would be to add incentives, offer a meal, and or training that the parents could be interested it in. The main objective would be to build relationship with the parent.  Because, ultimately they are their biggest influence. For example, one method that I've used recently is to take one step further. Home visitations and phone calls home.  It's important to build the relationship with the parent.  I know it can be a time consuming a daunting task. But, this is what true outreach is all about. Stop by a parents house, we have access to their address information. Don't be scared. Make the effort to make the connection to let the parent know that someone is in this battle alongside of them.

There has to be a order set to any youth program.  But, if there isn't a level of respect laid out there could be chaos on the horizon. As we all know, rules and expectations have to be set down at the first days of school and in any youth program.  If this step isn't enforced without clear consequences.  Students will begin to believe you are not in control.  Which you won't be at this point. They will believe the lie that you are a soft push over.  But, the fact is that there wasn't consistency in consequences laid out.  Do not be afraid to kick a child out or tell them that they have to do a writing sanction before they can return. Believe you me they will be thanking you later for it.  Empty threats are what it is empty.  You have to back up your words with substance.  For example, there was a season in our program where the children started to become a little more disrespectful. They began to talk while the mentors and leaders were talking. They would begin conversations in the midst of instruction. The frustration lead to taking action.  The creation of the Chit-Chat board was developed courtesy of pintrest. Just list the names of the students with a three strikes your out rule.  Once they hit three they would be hit with the consequence.  Once you are consistent with this a respect and order would be established in the program.

The biggest weapon we must use of course is prayer.  I know it has been ripped out of the fabric of our schools. But, parents it shouldn't stop us from praying for them together before they leave out the door.  And, we must pray for them in secret as we command that rebellion, disobedience, and disrespectful behavior has no place in our homes or in our schools. We can't do this fight alone. Join us as we continue to pray for our children and our educational systems.

I'd love to hear about some of your experiences.  Please leave a comment and share with your friends.

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